Looking for REMOTE DDoS Protection & Threat Protection?

We now proudly offer REMOTE DDoS Services! When you order this package we will protect your back-end game server from all types of attacks!

Enderman holding an ethernet cable

Some reasons for DDoS & Threat Protection include but are not limited to:

Home Hosting a game service
Extra protection for your current service
Renting a dedicated system which dosn't have DDoS Protection & much more!

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see our frequently asked questions below, if you still have questions feel free to reach out to support!

Absolutely, that's a big reason as to WHY we offer this service! We understand not everyone can rent services or want to rent services, but everyone DOES want protection!

We belive in offering solutions for a fraction of the cost, we're a company ran by gamers for gamers so we understand the need for saftey

To order all you'll have to do is just click the order button above and you'll get asked a few questions that we'll need to know before we setup the remote protection! Once we've got it all setup you'll get an email or discord message with the new service information.

Our remote DDoS Filtering is able to filter up to 3.5+ TBITS PER SECOND or maximum of 700+ MILLION PACKETS/SEC