Our current list of Supported Game Servers!

Below are some popular games in which you can host servers with us.
We're always open to feedback on which games we should host, feel free to contact support to suggest a game for us to add!


ARK: Survival Evolved

Starting At $0.95/SLOT

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Servers Starting At $5.00

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Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Starting At $0.75/SLOT

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Starting At $0.25/SLOT

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Day Z

Dayz Evolved

Starting At $1.00/SLOT

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Counter Strike (GO)

Counter Strike (GO/CS2)

Starting At $0.50/SLOT

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Minecraft Image


Starting At $2.50/GB

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Garry's Mod

Starting At $0.45/SLOT

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Hosting done right, With friendly support & superior uptime!

When hosting a service with us, drop the worry about DDoS Attacks, Latency, Lag, or Uptime. We've got you covered from every angle, any day and any time! Should you have any questions, comments, concerns or just want to talk to someone you may reach out to our support team!

server room

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see our frequently asked questions below, if you still have questions feel free to reach out to support!

Realistically you would never fully know if you've been hit with a DDoS Attack. Some reasons are for an outage that could be on our side the players side, or even a networking side on our DDoS Filtering service. The only real way to know is by contacting our support team during an outage.

Yes! You're absolutely able to add mods or plugins (plugins are used for multiplayer servers, similar to mods but not quite the same) You can download your mod or plugin and upload it via our web-panel FTP, or via a program such as FileZilla.

We provide you with *ONE* MySQL Database FREE with your service! (Over 4GB RAM) you can order additional ones from cart! :)

If you're needing help moving your files from the current hosting provider to us, please open a support ticket and we can start getting files moves for you :) Free of charge!

Support is just a click away!

Do you need some assistance with a game service? You may reach out to our support team via: Discord, Email, Tickets.

server room

Our Hosting Locations

We're constantly adding more servers to our lineup of supported locations. Check back periodically to see what location has been added!

location map